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Robot Tic-Tac-Toe


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  • Understand the Game
    The robot must understand how the game is played and have some sense of a strategy for winning.
  • Sense the Board
    The robot must be able to interpret the moves that the player makes and understand the positions of  the pieces on the board.
  • Move the Pieces
    To robot must make its own moves at the appropriate times, using whichever marker has been assigned.
  • Play Autonomously
    All the programming must reside within the robot itself and it should play without any connected computer or external signal.
  • Convey Emotion
    This is a “stretch goal” to see if the robot can convey emotion to the player, based on the status of the game.

About the Robot Arm

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Sensing the Board

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This short video gives a good overview of the vision system.

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Moving the Pieces


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Playing Autonomously

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Check Back Soon!

The robotic tic-tac-toe player is an ongoing project and I’ll be updating progress here on a regular basis.

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3D Printing A Spaceship

The Artemis transitions from virtual to physical
The Artemis transitions from virtual to physical

Today at work, I printed a spaceship!

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But this week, we were the kings of Nerdville when Steve brought his new 3D printer in for all of us to play with.

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Hipster Swag Badge

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This is a quick motion graphic I created give hipster props to Kalimar, one of our developers.

The original graphic was created in Illustrator and then brought into After Effects for the animation.

You can learn these same techniques I used by watching these two great tutorials:

Hollywood Image Analysis

Unmasking the Prankster!
Unmasking the Prankster!
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Sector 42 – Production

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This behind the scenes video shows the production workflow for the Sector 42 trailer.

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Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Sector 42 – Modeling & VFX

This behind-the-scenes video takes a look at the modeling and visual effects of the Sector 42 trailer.

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Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Making a Space Movie – Green Screening

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Making a Space Movie – Audio Editing

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Panning the engine sounds in Adobe Audition
Panning the engine sounds in Adobe Audition
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So many fascinating things!