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More About the uArm Robot

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This short video gives a good overview of the vision system.

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Robot Tic-Tac-Toe


 uArm Metal Autonomous Tic-Tac-Toe Robot

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  • Understand the Game
    The robot must understand how the game is played and have some sense of a strategy for winning.
  • Sense the Board
    The robot must be able to interpret the moves that the player makes and understand the positions of  the pieces on the board.
  • Move the Pieces
    To robot must make its own moves at the appropriate times, using whichever marker has been assigned.
  • Play Autonomously
    All the programming must reside within the robot itself and it should play without any connected computer or external signal.
  • Convey Emotion
    This is a “stretch goal” to see if the robot can convey emotion to the player, based on the status of the game.

About the Robot Arm

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Understanding the Game of Tic-Tac-Toe

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Playing Autonomously

Combining the vision system with the robot’s movement system is the next challenge!

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Check Back Soon!

The robotic tic-tac-toe player is an ongoing project and I’ll be updating progress here on a regular basis.

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3D Printing A Spaceship

The Artemis transitions from virtual to physical
The Artemis transitions from virtual to physical

Today at work, I printed a spaceship!


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The original graphic was created in Illustrator and then brought into After Effects for the animation.

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Sector 42 – Production

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This behind the scenes video shows the production workflow for the Sector 42 trailer.

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Sector 42 – Modeling & VFX

This behind-the-scenes video takes a look at the modeling and visual effects of the Sector 42 trailer.

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Making a Space Movie – Green Screening

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